This program is suitable for individuals who interact a lot with other individuals. Especially for those who want to make a lasting first impression and for those who are in long term working or personal relationships with others. Example of the first category is anyone who is in sales (in particular realtors and financial advisors) or in professions that requires gaining the trust of a client, such as attorneys, physicians and accountants. An example for the second group (connections over long term relationships) could be managers, leaders and married couples.
MCS is a one-day program consisting of 5 segments. All participants will take the Pyramid of Self-Awareness Scale (PSAS) prior to the session and will receive a personalized report at the beginning. After learning about how to interpret their profiles and identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, the session will continue with a series of case studies and exercises to master the four channels of connections:
Respect & Manners
This is perhaps one of the most important channels that people use to connect to others. This is partly manifested through a universal code of respectful behaviors and proper manners. Good eye contact, smile, listening to the other person, giving appropriate compliments, asking good questions and being able to empathize are signs that demonstrates how strong we are in using the channel of “respect and manners”. This segment of the training program focuses on all dimensions listed above with practice rounds to make sure the participants have attained the self-awareness and skills to excel in this subdomain.
Dress & Look
Those who have a strong “dress and look” connection style would pay attention to how they dress or look, as well as how other people dress or look. Physical appearance and a sense of style are used to reinforce this channel of human connection. This segment of the training will provide feedback on how best to connect with others using this channel of connection.
Touch & Affection
At this point, the focus will shift to the sense of touch and expressions of affection. Different types of handshakes will be discussed and the appropriateness of physical contacts such as hugging, kissing or patting at workplace will be debated. We will also discuss, decode and practice different types of postures, gait and body movements.
Mood & Tone
The last segment of this program is about “mood and tone” channel of connections, which includes attention to our choice of words, the energy that we express, the vibe that we give to the environment and the positive tone we use in a conversation.
Participants will leave the session with a greater sense of awareness and a new set of skills on how to develop and maintain meaningful connections with their customers, clients, patients and even partners.
To register for our upcoming programs, please go to our event calendar and find the one most suitable for you.